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About Us

Method Precision Discipline

Gedamo is a company operating in the financial markets, with a focus on currency international market, the Forex.

The service that we offer is highly personalised and conducted in the strictest confidentiality. We assist and advise our clients on the full range of their assets, through every phase and cycle of their development. The fact that Gedamo has retained its human dimension contributes to the relations of trust that we forge with our clients.

At a time when the ability to adapt is more vital than ever, Gedamo is able to meet the challenges of tomorrow by drawing on the wealth and diversity of talent within the company and creating new financial solutions to meet its clients’ needs and the demands of the age we live in.

Our geographical location puts us in a solid and sustainable economic environment, while the quality and safety of our services offer a unique advantage made available to customers.


A Global Presency

Gedamo is a company of truly global dimension, oriented customers who want a personalized touch, quality service and high-level performances.
One of the objectives of the company is to provide a level of care than normal standard market investment, ensuring a full and independent advice.

Gedamo never leaves any questions unanswered, offering customers the most advanced tools to navigate successfully in the market.


pdf icon Gedamo Corporate Presentation


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