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Cash Management

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Gedamo is the ideal partner for Companies, Financial Institutions and Public Entities seeking efficient solutions to streamline cash flows and optimise the management of their liquid assets on a global scale.

The Cash Management activities are organized in order to derive the most benefit from the products and technology available to connect to the banks.

The optimization of cash management and cash position represents an important task of Treasurers in all companies. To maximize the benefits obtained from the use of the services currently offered by larger bank counterparts, it is necessary that companies and groups consider the impact on internal processes and use of technology.

Careful financial planning allows the company to better manage their liquidity. If you have a sum not used for the needs of short and medium term, it is possible to use an investment of some of the liquidity of the company to generate additional revenues.

In this case it is useful to a liquidity plan that shows the revenues and expenditures planned and any unexpected expenses. This allows you to define the amount you can allocate the investment time horizon and the ideal, in order to provide new liquidity if necessary.

A careful study of the dynamics of interest rates (interest and exchange rates) and the soundness of issuers, combined with access to a broad universe of products created and managed by the best international companies, allows us to optimize the management of our liquidity customers.

The Gedamo Investment department of Treasury and Financial Risk Management can assist you to maximize the benefits from these opportunities.

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